Being a People Pleaser – Girls Night Podcast

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t speak up for yourself, because you are such a “people pleaser”…it’s one of those silly things we do because we don’t want to be a bother, but I’ve come to realize that anytime I’ve done something as small as, telling the barista that my coffee isn’t the way I ordered it. Usually, no one complains, and I get to enjoy my $5 coffee!

I mean really who wants to spend their hard earned money on something they don’t want?!

Stephanie and I shared this topic over lunch, and we thought that other people could relate, so she invited me over to her Podcast Girls Night with Stephanie May Wilson.

If you are interested in listening to the episode well you can do that by clicking the link below:
On Apple Podcasts: Girls Night With Stephanie May WIlson #63: How to Speak up for Yourself in Life, Work, and Relationships
